Marple's Hometown Monthly Magazine
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Congratulations Matthew! January Casey’s Public House Student of the Month

Marple Friends & Neighbors, January 2023

The January Casey’s Public House Student of the Month is Matthew DeAmicis, who received a Certificate of Achievement and a $25 gift card from Casey’s Public House, our Sponsor of this program. Matthew is an 8th grade student from St. Anastasia’s, who always tries to balance academics with creativity and sports, because he loves them all.

Matthew loves math! He is proud to be part of the Honors Math Program at St. Annie’s, which offers excellent students the opportunity to get exposure to Algebra before high school. Along with his commitment to his schoolwork, Matt also participates in many other school activities and CYO sports. He is a member of the track, cross country and soccer teams, and last year he even ran in the Penn Relays! One of his favorite things about being part of CYO is that the teams do more than just play sports. Last year his track coach organized a car wash and the athletes participated to raise money for St. Vincent De Paul Society.

Last fall, as a member of the Theater Arts Program, Matt played a lead role in St. Annie’s production of Annie Jr., playing the character Rooster. It was a great fit because one of the things his family, friends and teachers enjoy most about Matt is his incredible sense of humor. Matt has been described as one of the most kind, polite, pleasant and authentic students, who radiates joy that is felt by the students and teachers around him, according to several faculty members at his school. He is quick to lend a hand or a kind smile, and nothing is too much to ask.

Matt has been playing piano since the 2nd grade and still takes classes locally in Broomall. He loves music and hopes to continue focusing on music into the future. Although he’s still a bit young to have solidified ideas of what he wants to do in his adult life, Matt aspires to have a career one day where he can help others like a doctor or scientist. We would like to congratulate you Matt for being such an outstanding student, athlete and person. We have no doubt that your future will be bright!

Nominate the Next Casey’s Public House Student of the Month! Any grade 7–12 student who resides within the borders of the Marple Newtown School District may be nominated by a parent, teacher or other adult who submits in writing some ways the student demonstrates Excellence in Service to friendship, school or other local communities. Academic or athletic excellence is not required. Email your nomination to The selected nominee will be featured in a future issue and will also receive a Certificate of Achievement and a $25 Casey’s Public House gift card.