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Summer Activities That Can Improve a Healthy Back

As the sun climbs higher and the days stretch longer, summer beckons us outdoors with its promise of warmer weather and vibrant energy. This season offers an excellent opportunity to engage in activities that not only fill our days with enjoyment but also contribute to a healthier back and lifestyle. Here are some summer activities that can help you enjoy the season to its fullest while fostering a strong and healthy back.

  1. Swimming: The Ultimate Back-Friendly Exercise, swimming is often hailed as one of the best exercises for back health. The buoyancy of water reduces stress on the spine, allowing for a gentle yet effective workout. Regular swimming sessions can strengthen the muscles that support your back, enhance flexibility and decrease the risk of back pain. Whether it’s laps in a local pool or a leisurely swim in a natural body of water, incorporating swimming into your summer routine can significantly benefit your spinal health.
  1. Walking on the Beach: A Simple Pleasure with Big Benefits, taking walks on the beach is not only a serene way to connect with nature but also a fantastic exercise for your back. Walking on the soft, uneven sand engages the stabilizing muscles in your feet and legs, which in turn supports your lower back. Moreover, the scenic beauty and soothing sounds of the ocean can also have a stress-reducing effect, further contributing to a healthy back.
  1. Yoga in the Park: Strengthen and Stretch Outdoor Yoga, combines the physical benefits of yoga with the refreshing qualities of being outdoors. Many yoga poses are designed to strengthen core muscles, improve posture, and enhance flexibility—all of which are crucial for a healthy back. Practicing yoga in a park or a similarly tranquil outdoor setting can also help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm.
  1. Cycling: Pedal Your Way to a Strong Back, biking is another excellent low-impact exercise that can strengthen the muscles around your spine, improving both posture and back health. Choose scenic routes and enjoy the summer breeze as you pedal. Remember to wear a helmet and to adjust your bike properly to ensure a comfortable posture throughout your ride.
  1. Gardening: Nurturing Your Back and Your Garden, believe it or not, gardening can be a great back-strengthening activity. It involves a variety of movements, such as bending, lifting and stretching, that can help keep your back muscles active and flexible. Just be mindful of using proper techniques to avoid strain.

Incorporating these activities into your summer can lead to a healthier back and a more enjoyable season. Remember, maintaining a healthy back is about regular movement and mindful practices. Let this summer be the start of a healthier, happier you.


About The Author

Chiropractic Care Rehabilitation
Dr. Marc Belitsky, D.C., D.A.C.R.B.
Broomall Total Health Center

Dr. Belitsky has been involved in the Marple Newtown community for over 32 years. He is a chiropractor who is specifically trained and is Board-certified in Chiropractic Rehabilitation. He has a highly qualified staff including a physical therapist, a physical therapy assistant and kinesiologists. Togetherthis team helps restore function and quality of life to Dr. Belitsky’s patients. His dedication has been acknowledged with an excellent reputation, numerous awards and testimonials. Dr. Belitsky is part of the Wellness Team for the USGA pro golf tournament. He has been involved in many charitable events, and he advocates for patients’ rights

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